these days

It was suggested that I cut back on my freelancing during spring semester so that I could have more time for my thesis proposal writing. I agreed with the logic at first, but just couldn’t help myself. I love what I do. It’s the whole reason I’m working on a master’s degree: I want to write.

I want to write about issues that matter, events that are interesting and people who are compelling, reasons to keep my work a priority. I’d hate to stall my chance for a career by focusing on something as subjective as a grade. Education comes in many forms, including on-the-job experience.

So, here are a few things of mine that have been published lately (thesis proposal or not):


The 18th Annual Greening of the Garden benefited the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks educational programs last week. I showed up to take pictures of all the white tents, pretty flowers & large floppy hats for The City Wire and ended up running into a number of friends. That’s the great thing about Fayetteville. You might intend to go somewhere alone, but you won’t be lonely. There’s always a friendly or familiar face waiting.



There’s one more week left of the traveling Norman Rockwell exhibition at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and a couple more exhibitions to come this summer. In my piece for AY Magazine, I explore the lesser known political side of Rockwell.



The spring edition of The Arkansas Engineer focused on water quality, which is something I know very little about. After a few interviews, several meetings and countless drafts, I came to a basic, tip-of-the-iceberg understanding of a project headed by the Arkansas Water Resources Center. What happens when two neighboring states have different water quality laws? Research.



In this feature, I catch up with the Arkansas Engineers Abroad group to see how their international projects for improving water quality is going. The students have such a big heart for making healthy lifestyles possible around the world. Over the years, I’ve seen them spend their nights and weekends working on these projects and even a couple who skipped birthday festivities in favor of raising additional funds for construction supplies going to improve communities that they don’t live in.


Urban Challenge The Dickson

Saturday brought me a story that required a workout to get it. Clubhaus Fitness’ first urban challenge was a series of exercises from rooftops in the city.


So I hope you find something interesting or informative in these articles. And if you’re reading something great, please, please share! I have three wonderful months to catch up on the books & articles I’ve missed this year.